Saturday, August 31, 2019

Where Have You Been and Where Are You Going

When comparing the two characters in the short stories made me think of a quote, I heard growing up as a kid. â€Å"Telling a teenager the facts of life is like giving a fish a bath. † Now reading these two stories the truth of that quote rings true. As teenagers we were invisible to life and the consequences of those decisions. I made many mistakes, as teenagers that, I now realize were foolish and not intelligent. Life lessons are tough as Sammy and Collie both discovered. In the short story of â€Å"A&P† Sammy is a hormone driven young teenager who is attracted to three young girls that walk into his store on a slow day in nothing more than a suggestive swim suit. In a hormone obsessed stupor Sammy wants to impress these rebellious teenage girls. As you read the story you see how Sammy becomes enamored with the three young girls in what can be only describe as erotic and stimulating instantly. Sammy describe one of the girls swim suit as the straps â€Å"were off her shoulders looped loose around the cool tops of arms, and I guess as a result the suit had slipped a little on her. (Kennedy 17) This is definition of hormones because any young man is hoping to catch a peek at a naked woman. As a teenager that is what you pray for at night. Sammy became even more turned on when her eyes moved â€Å"across the racks, and stopped, and turned so slow it made my stomach rub the inside of my apron. † (Kennedy 17) This could be considered Sammy’s first lustful affair from afar. Sammy wants to be noticed by these girls but the moment hasn’t presented itself. Mr. Lengel gives him the perfect opportunity to become their champion. When Mr. Lengel express to the girls how inappropriate their appearance are for a grocery store. Sammy went into a fit of anger to be dramatic from his future suitors. In Sammy’s mind these young beautiful teenagers were making a declaration of loveliness that existed only on a higher level and it was free of the codes of the average grocery shopper. Sammy resigns in an attempt to defend their honor, but recognizes his foolishness when the girls leave without giving him as much as a glance. In the short story of â€Å"Where are you going. Where have you been† was a very hard trying piece to read. Connie is a young girl and knows it all. Connie was a typical teenager female who only concerns were her looks, popular music, and boys. Connie was preoccupied with her appearance that she would crane â€Å"her neck into the mirrors, or checking other people’s faces to make sure her own was all right. † (Oates 381) Connie’s mother would reprimand about being so vain and belittled her by placing her older sister on a pedal stool to live up too. Connie’s mother urged her to be more responsible which is something we all heard as teenagers. Connie wished her mother and sister was dead because she wanted to be her own individual. Connie like a typical teenager felt invisible and she ignored her mother’s warnings. Connie is able to hang out with her friends because June had set a good precedent. Connie’s best friend’s father would drive them to the shopping plaza and pick them up with no questions. Connie and her friends would use the shopping plaza as the meeting place but only to run to the dine-in to meet boys. Sunday afternoon the family goes to a barbecue at the Aunt’s house. When asked by her mother if she wanted to go, Connie rolled her eyes and said no because she wanted to feel independent plus she was to good to hang out with little kids and play. Connie was a grown woman until Arnold arrived and brought back to reality. This story is sad responsibility and paying attention to her surrounds is important. Connie cried out for her sister and mother when Arnold was abducting her with no success. The same people she wanted dead for independence she wanted to save her from this monster. The similarity between the short stories by John Updike and Joyce Carol Oates shows how as teenagers we act impulsively, we are invisible, and no care for consequences. Not until later after time realize our mistake but it is to late to correct. Those mistakes are called life lessons and that is what both these characters have in common. Sammy and Connie’s lessons is simple as a teenager you are not untouchable but vulnerable to life’s painful lessons.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Blue Jeans †American Cultural Artifact Essay

Blue jeans in the last thirty years have attained such world wide popularity that they have come to be considered an American icon. However jeans have not always been held in high stead, but rather have had a troubled history including its beginnings within the working class movement, being considered unsavory by religious leaders and also seen as a rebellious statement about ‘western decadence’. According to the University of Toronto, no other garment has served as an example of status ambivalence and ambiguity than blue jeans in the history of fashion. Throughout this essay I will discuss how jeans have become such a common treasured and even expensive item crossing over class, gender, age, regional, and national lines as reflected by the many changing political views and acceptance from various social classes over the past 50 years. History of Blue Jeans According to the University of Toronto, blue jeans were originally created for the California coal miners in the mid-nineteenth century by the Morris Levi Strauss, a Bavarian immigrant who relocated to New York in 1847. Mr Strauss’ fate and the history of clothing changed forever when in 1872 he received an offer from Jacob Davis, a tailor from Reno Nevada. Mr. Davis, in order to improve the durability of the pants that he made for his clients, had been adding metal rivets to the highly stressed seams. The idea was successful and he wished to patent it, but due to financial constraints required a partner and hence Levi became the financial backer and partner. In 1873, the new partners received a patent for â€Å"an improvement in Fastening Pocket-Openings†, and thus the history of blue jeans as we know them began. Blue jeans were originally called â€Å"waist overalls† by Levi Strauss and Co and in the 1920’s these were the most widely used worker’s pants in America. The name of these trousers changed to â€Å"jeans† in the 1960’s when Levi Strauss and Co. recognized that this was what the product was being called by the young, hip teenage boys. The history of â€Å"waist overalls† continues as the history of blue jeans. â€Å"Jeans† is now generally understood to refer to pants made out of a specific type of fabric called â€Å"denim† (Fashion Encyclopedia). Blue Jeans through the decades The popularity of blue jeans spread among working people, such as farmers and the ranchers of the American West. According to the Encyclopedia of Fashion, in the 1930’s jeans became so popular among cowboys that Wrangler formed just to make denim work clothing for those who rode the range. Jeans have tended to follow along in popularity with popular culture as evident with the popular Western films which found adventure and romance in the adventures of the cowboys who rode horses, shot bad guys, and wore blue jeans. Those who wished to imitate the casual, rugged look of the cowboys they saw in films began to wear jeans as casual wear (Fashion Encyclopedia). This effect is not hard to understand, as even today fashion trends are greatly influenced by what highly publicized celebrities choose to wear. During World War II blue jeans became part of the official uniform of the Navy and Coast Guard, and became even more popular when worn as off-duty leisure clothing by many other soldiers. In his book, â€Å"Jeans: A Cultural History of an American Icon†, James Sullivan states that the rise of the popularity of jeans after the WWII can greatly be attributed to the influence of the film and music industry, during the 1950s many young people began to wear jeans when they saw them on rebellious young American film stars such as Marlon Brando and James Dean. By 1950, Levi’s began selling nationally and other brands started emerging, such as Lee Coopers and each with its own particular fit (Sullivan 287). According to the University of Toronto, in the 1960’s and 1970’s jeans were embraced by the nonconformist hippie youth movement, and the history of blue jeans even gets linked to the downfall of communism. Behind the iron curtain, jeans became a symbol of â€Å"western decadence† and individuality and as such were highly sought. Jeans had become extremely popular, but were still mainly worn by working people or the young. In the 1980’s through to the 1990’s jeans were no longer seen as rebellious or a source of individuality, but they were transformed as the term ‘designer jeans’ was discovered. Many designers such as Jordache and Calvin Klein came on board to create expensive jeans and some jeans even reached haute couture status (Fashion Encyclopedia). In the new millennium denim is seen on designer catwalks and there are now hundreds of styles, types and labels available and of various price ranges. Changing Popularity According to Peter Beagle in his book â€Å"American Denim: A New Folk Art†, the popularity of jeans can be attributed to the fact that jeans can be seen to embrace the American democratic values of independence, freedom and equality. Some Americans even consider jeans to be the national uniform. Blue jeans have evolved from a garment associated exclusively with hard work to one associated with leisure. What began as work clothes has transformed into one of the â€Å"hottest† items available on the consumer market today. What was once apparel associated with low culture has undergone a reversal in status. Blue jeans were the first to accomplish a rather revolutionary cultural achievement bringing upper class status to a lower class garment. Conclusion At one point or another throughout history, blue jeans have been the uniform of many groups and are considered the one garment of clothing that has remained hip for over a century and has survived everything from World War II to the eighties. For half a century blue jeans have helped define every youth movement, and every effort of older generations to deny the passing of youth. Fifty years ago America invented the concept of teenager, and it is probably no coincidence that the enduring character of blue jeans, claiming independence and the right to self-expression, can be traced to the same time. Jeans were once seen as clothing for minority groups such as workers, hippies or rebellious youth, but are now embraced by the dominant American culture as a whole.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Phosphine gas general info

Health Cl Extremely flammable Cl Very toxic by inhalation: syrnptoms usually occur within a few hours of exposure D Phosphine is irritating to the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, throat and espiratory tract 0 Inhalation may result in weakness, chest tightness and pain, dry mouth, cough, sickness, vomiting, diarrhoea, chills, muscle pain, headache, dizziness, ataxia, confusion and lung damage. These symptoms may develop 2-3 days after exposure 0 Severe poisoning may result in increased heart rate, low blood pressure, convulsions, coma, heart damage and death.These symptoms usually within 4 days but may be delayed up to 1-2 weeks C] Exposure to the eyes or skin may cause Irritation 0 Long-term exposure may cause anaemla, bronchltls, gastrointestinal disorders, peech and motor problems, toothache, weakness, weight loss, swelling and damage of the jaw bone and spontaneous fractures 0 Phosphine has not been associated with cancer 0 Phosphine is not likely to cause reproductive or dev elopmental effects Environment 0 Dangerous for the Environment 0 Inform Environment Agency of substantial release incidents Prepared by L Assem & M Takamiya Institute of Environment and Health Cranfield University 2007 Version 1 Background Phosphine is a colourless gas, which is slightly heavier than air.It usually smells of garlic or rotting fish due to the presence of ontaminants but pure phosphine is odourless. is extremely flammable and highly reactive with air, copper and copper-containing alloys. exposed to higher levels of phosphine, although occupational incidents involving exposure to phosphine are rare, and safety levels are in place to protect employees. Phosphine is rarely found in nature. Small amounts can be formed during the breakdown of organic matter, although it is rapidly degraded. Phosphine is released into the air via emissions from various manufacturing processes and from the use of metal (magnesium, aluminium and zinc) phosphide umigants and pesticides, which release phosphine on contact with water or acid.The major uses of phosphine are as a fumigant during the storage of agricultural products such as nuts, seeds, grains, coffee and tobacco, and in the manufacture of semi-conductors. Phosphine is also used in the production of some chemicals and metal alloys and is an unintentional by-product in the illegal manufacture of the drug methamphetamine. Inhalation is the most likely route of exposure to phosphine, although ingestion of metal phosphides may also occur. Symptoms are non-specific and include irritation of the espiratory tract, headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, sickness, and vomiting. convulsions, damage to the lungs, heart, liver and kidney, and death. Long-lasting effects of single dose exposure are unlikely, most symptoms clearing within a month.Long-term exposure to phosphine, while unlikely to occur, can cause bronchitis, gastrointestinal, visual, speech and motor problems, toothache, swelling of the Jaw, anaemia and spo ntaneous fractures. Children exposed to phosphine will have the same symptoms of poisoning as adults. Phosphine is not likely to cause harm to the nborn child as acute effects are not known to cause developmental effects. Phosphine is rapidly broken down in the environment and it is very unlikely that the general population will be exposed to sufficient levels of phosphine to cause health effects. However, people may be exposed to very small amounts of phosphine present in air, food and water. Phosphine has not been associated with cancer and has not reviewed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.Workers employed as fumigators, pestcontrol operators, transport workers and those involved in the production or use of hosphine and metal phosphides (welding, metallurgy, semi-conductors), may be General information: Page 2 of 5 PHOSPHINE – GENERAL INFORMATION Production and Uses Phosphine is present in emissions from some industrial processes such as the manufacture of some chemicals and metal alloys of metal phosphides) and as a catalyst and in the production of polymers The main uses of phosphine are as a chemical dopant in the manufacture of semiconductors for the electronics industry, and in the fumigation (in the form of metal phosphides) of stored agricultural products such as cereal grains and tobacco. Phosphine is also used as a condensation catalyst and in the manufacture of some polymers. Zinc phosphide is used as a rodenticide in the form of a pellet or as a paste mixed with food. Small amounts of phosphine are produced in the production of chemicals such as phosphonium halide and acetylene gas. General information: Page 3 of 5 Frequently Asked Questions What is phosphine? Phosphine is a colourless gas which is highly flammable and explosive in air.Pure phosphine is odourless, although most commercially available grades have the odour of garlic or decaying fish. Small amounts of phosphine can occur naturally, formed uring the anaerobic degradation of organic matter. Phosphine is corrosive towards metals, in particular copper and copper-containing alloys. What is phosphine used for? A major use of phosphine is as a semi-conductor doping agent by the electronics industry. Metal (aluminium, magnesium and zinc) phosphides, which release phosphine on contact with moisture and acid, are used as rodenticides and fumigates during storage of agricultural commodities such as grain e. g. cereals, and tobacco. Phosphine is also used as a catalyst and in the production of polymers.How does phosphine get into the environment? Small amounts of phosphine occur naturally during the decomposition of phosphorouscontaining organic matter e. g. in marsh gas. Emissions and effluents from the manufacture of some chemicals and metal alloys, as well the production or use of phosphine and metal phosphides (welding, metallurgy, semi-conductors, rodenticides and fumigants), release phosphine into the air. How will I be exposed to phosphine? It is unlikely that the general population will be exposed to significant amounts of phosphine, since it is degraded quickly in the environment; the half-life of phosphine in the air is about one day or less.However, people may be exposed to very small amounts by inhaling air, drinking water and eating food containing phosphine. Workers involved with industries and processes where phosphine is used, e. g. fumigation and pest control, may be exposed to higher levels of phosphine. People living nearby sites where phosphine is being used may also be exposed to small amounts of phosphine in the air. Phosphine gas does not present a risk of secondary contamination, although solid phosphides may pose some risk. Absorption though the skin is not considered a significant route of exposure. If there is phosphine in the nvironment does not always lead to exposure. Clearly, in order for phosphine to cause any adverse health effects you must come into contact with it.You may be exposed by brea thing, eating, or drinking the substance or by skin contact. Following exposure to any chemical, the adverse health effects you may encounter depend on several factors, including the amount to which you are exposed (dose), the way you are exposed, the duration of exposure, the form of the chemical and if you are exposed to any other chemicals. Exposure to phosphine or metal phosphides can be irritating to the respiratory tract nd can cause weakness, chest pain and tightness, dry mouth, cough, sickness, vomiting, diarrhoea, chills, muscle pain, headache, dizziness, ataxia and confusion. Severe cases may lead to lung damage, convulsions, damage to the heart, liver and kidney, and death.General information: Page 4 of 5 Long-term exposure to low levels of phosphine can cause anaemia, bronchitis, gastrointestinal problems, visual, speech and motor problems, toothache, swelling of the Jaw and spontaneous fractures. Can phosphine cause cancer? The Governmental Committee on Mutagenicity rec ently reviewed the available data n carcinogenicity of phosphine and concluded that it did not cause cancer in animal studies. Phosphine has not been reviewed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (‘ARC), and the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) considers phosphine as not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity, due to inadequate animal studies and a lack of human tumour data. Does phosphine affect children or damage the unborn child?Children who ingest metal phosphides or inhale phosphine gas are expected to have similar symptoms as adults, e. g. sickness, vomiting, headache, dizziness, in severe ases leading to damage to the lungs, heart, liver and kidney and death. There is no evidence to suggest that maternal exposure to phosphine affects the health of the unborn child. What should I do if I am exposed to phosphine? It is very unlikely that the general population will be exposed to a level of phosphine high enough to cause adverse health effects. T his document from the HPA Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards reflects understanding and evaluation of the current scientific evidence as presented and referenced in this document.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Legal Aspects of Nursing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Legal Aspects of Nursing - Case Study Example an injury resulting from the negligence, a record of failure of the nurses on performing their duties properly on the patients, and direct failure in responsibility of care towards the patient during the patients stay at the medical facility (Iyer and Aiken 2001). The patients therefore must prove that their conditions worsened due to the malpractice or negligence (Rostant 1999). The law stipulates that any claim against a nurse is also one for the hospital owing to the professional of nursing working in hospital environment. For Jose’s case, there are several cases of liability against the hospital. First, there is administrative liability against the hospital. The hospital is liable for damages for not having an anesthetist in place for emergency cases. The absence of the anesthetist resulted to late surgery that consequently resulted to permanent disability of Jose’s shoulder and arm. The hospital is also administratively liable for Jose’s claim for not having properly functioning x-ray machine that took so long before determining Jose’s arm condition as requiring surgery. Third, there is a civil liability against the emergency physician. The emergency center physician is also liable for damages for neglecting the duty of contacting the anesthetist as soon as he realized that the emergency would result into surgery. It is his moral duty to ensure that a patient is not left in pain awaiting a physician whose presence is not available (Rostant 1999). The physician can be charged with civil liability for not making referral when he knew that Jose’s condition was bad and the anesthetist would not be available until morning. This delay resulted to severe pain for Jose. In Jose’s scenario, the hospital administration is responsible and not the emergency physician or the anesthetist. It is the responsibility of the hospital administration to ensure adequate personnel at all times and ensure adequate, effective and efficient machinery, equipment and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Challenges And Benefits Of Mammalian Cloning Essay

Challenges And Benefits Of Mammalian Cloning - Essay Example This is indeed, far from reality! Daily life experiences we go through and the environment we are brought up in play a decisive role in making us what we are irrespective of our genetic similarity with a parent or a sibling. Another big challenge in the way of mammalian cloning is the widespread conception among people that cloned mammals are perfect and that all weaknesses have been weeded out from them. This, again is nothing more than another theory about mammalian cloning that is frequently referred to by the opponents of cloning. Last, but not the least, mammalian cloning is threatened by people’s religious beliefs and practices. Practicing people from many religions are simply against the idea of mammalian cloning because they consider it to be fundamentally the expertise of God, and believe that no human can or should make an attempt to cross the limits. Although many of the generally believed theories about mammalian cloning are far from reality, yet they have posed ma ny hurdles in the way of research and development in the field of mammalian cloning and implementation of the techniques thus found. Benefits: According to Dr. Richard Seed who is a leading proponent of the technology of mammalian cloning, knowledge about cloning has been developed to such an extent that methods may soon be developed that would not only retard the process of aging in mammals, but also reverse it (â€Å"Benefits Of Human†).

Explaination of the Importance of Reflective Practice in Coaching Term Paper

Explaination of the Importance of Reflective Practice in Coaching - Term Paper Example However, in the twentieth century, this trend of the teacher to student communication changed radically. In the context of this essay, it is important to note that modern coaching practices have been evolving as a two-way mechanism, where the learner is not the only learner, but the teacher or coach is also a learner at times. This sort of reflective practice would be a life long process which has been explored and analyzed on the basis of the various models and processes provided by continued research and development. Also, it becomes the learner’s responsibility to some extent that he or she frankly communicates with the coach; otherwise the process of sustained coach education would be largely impaired. Key Concepts and Processes of Reflective Practice The concepts and processes in relation to reflective practice have been primarily based on the various reflective models provided by the eminent educationists, psychologists and researchers in this field. Argyris and Schon: T he reflective model provided by Argyris and Schon introduces us to the idea of Single Loop Learning and Double Loop Learning. The theory has been built on the basis of the amendment and recognition of an observed error or fault. Single Loop Learning is the practice when an organization or practitioner continuously relies on current techniques, policies or strategies even after some error occurred and a correction had to be made. This continues until a similar situation is encountered again. However, the practice of Double Loop Learning is comparatively more innovative since it provides for alteration of the current techniques, policies or strategies on the account of an error observed. Thus, in this process, innovative ideas can be introduced when a similar situation is encountered again. (Schon, 1983) Kolb, 1984: The experiential way of learning involves the application of the information received from the educator to the experiences of the learner. It does not consist of activity generated in the classroom alone. The student does not acquire his or her knowledge exclusively from the teacher.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Competitive forces and SWOT analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Competitive forces and SWOT analysis - Essay Example Organic farming and food production found to be less harmful to environment. At the same it offers healthy body and fewer side effects to the regular users. Artificial foods like the fast foods always contain harmful ingredients to the health. Moreover artificial foods always contain excess calories which may be precipitated in the body of the user as fat. Organic farms always use less energy and resources and moreover it helps the ecosystem immensely. The comparatively higher advantage of organic farming and the consumption of organic foods forced many countries to encourage the farming and usage of organic foods at present. Founded in 1980, in Texas as a small supermarket, Whole Foods Market is currently world’s largest retail chain in natural and organic foods. John Mackay is the CEO and co-founder of Whole Foods Market. The company has recorded $ 6.6 billion sales in 2007 and had around 276 stores in total in countries like US, UK and Canada. It recorded an annual growth rate of 20% from 2000 onwards has set a target of 400 stores and $ 12 billion sale by 2010 (Thompson, 2008, p.c2). Whole Foods Market is responsible for the popularity of organic foods not only in America but even in other countries as well. Whole Foods Market aims to catch the number one spot not only in organic food industry but even in general food industry where the Whole Foods Market stores operate. People are more aware of the consequences of artificial foods at present which helped organic foods to grow immensely for the last two decades. The rapid pace of life activities and high levels of diversified commitments forced the public to rely on fast in order to save time. Moreover, fast foods were tastier than the organic foods which helped the fast food industry to grow immensely. But along with the fast food industry, the health problems also began to grow heavily. Dawn Crystal (2010) has mentioned that the major

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Promotion of Stroke and Heart Diseases Research Paper

Promotion of Stroke and Heart Diseases - Research Paper Example This essay therefore explores the aforementioned elements in detail. Promotion of stroke and heart diseases Stroke and heart diseases are the third and the first reported diseases respectively that result into high death rate in both men and women in the United States of America. Additionally, they are considered to be the major widespread and high cost diseases that most nations have to deal with. However, it is important for citizens to take the initiative in order to prevent these particular diseases. This is because these type of diseases can be easily prevented and thus reduce the death rates caused by the same. According to research carried out by Smoller et al (2007) 33.6 % of total number of deaths that occurred in the United States of America were as a result of either stroke or other forms of heart diseases. Statistics further indicates that 150,000 deaths that occurred in 2007 in American were individuals below the age of 65. Moreover the aforementioned diseases not only c ause death but also disability with more than 4 million cases in the United States has been caused by the same. ... merica (Smoller et al., 2007).Therefore, treatment of both stroke and heart diseases impacts negatively on the funds and other resources of the country’s health care scheme. However, over the past years the rate of death caused by stroke and heart related illness has reduced considerable in the United States of America. Therefore, it is expected to reduce even further by 2020. However, among certain populations the incidences of the diseases in addition to death rates have remained high. For instance it has been reported that the diseases is commonly prevalent among certain ethnic and racial groups to be specific individuals living in South Eastern regions of the United States of America and those who experience low social economic status. A study carried out by Smoller et al (2007) indicated that African Americans are at a risk of dying from cardiovascular disease as compared to their white counterparts. Additionally, the percentage of women diagnosed with stroke annually is higher than that of men. Moreover, another study carried out by Karasek (1996) reported that American Indian and natives from Alaska have reported high percentage of premature deaths as a result of heart diseases as compared to other ethnic or racial groups in the United States of America. It is important to note that stroke and other forms of heart diseases are easier to prevent rather than to treat. Therefore individuals need to lead a positive lifestyle (Karasek, 1996).Tobacco smoking is one of the factors that can increase the chances of one suffering from either heart disease or stroke. Hence individuals are encouraged to stop smoking. Moreover, people should have a healthy weight and ensure that they are physically active (Kawachi et al., 1994). More importantly, it is important for people

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Summary - Essay Example While Pennsylvania showed average tuition and fee charges as $8410 in 2005-2006, it was $3100 in Florida and $6910 in South Carolina. In fact, there was notable difference in charges as well as in the student enrollment in various institutions. A number of reasons are pointed out as the factors driving tuition charges. Dennis Jones suggests tuition setting in public institutions as closely related to the health of other institutional revenues. Apparent influences of a variety of political factors in postsecondary policy making at the state level has been observed. Various examinations revealed relationships between indicators of educational structure and indicators of political influence. Descriptive representation compares the similarities in background between elected officials and their constituents. On the contrary, substantive representation refers to the interests elected officials serve. There are various opinions on the enhancement of substantive representation and various mo dels are also developed. The model named ‘presence’ assumes minority representatives to act as stronger advocates for minority constituents (McLendon et al, 6). The panel-data model implies that pricing behavior of universities is heterogeneous and is difficult to be captured using available data (McLendon et al, 15).

Friday, August 23, 2019

Emily's defiance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Emily's defiance - Essay Example Although the protagonist in the story, Miss Emily may appear outwardly quiet and reserved in the confines of her home, her blatant rebellious personal to her family's wishes and her communities serves as a subtle symbol for the gradual decline and eventual decay of American's Southern aristocracy at the end of the Civil War. Miss Emily finds it hard to come to terms with the idea of death. Consequently, she suffers a great deal of denial. After her father’s death, the townspeople anticipated her to be grieved but regrettably she is not. She told the visitors â€Å"her father was not dead† (Faulkner 2162). Instead, she stated that her father was still alive. From the story, it is clear that grieving is better than ignoring it. The story happens in the South, during a period characterized by radical political change and racial discrimination. Emily’s eccentric and inconsistent behavior becomes outright peculiar. Like the townspeople, one is left wondering how she w ould live and sleep with Homer Barron’s corpse for years on end. At first, the townspeople never thought she suffered from mental illness; they â€Å"did not say she was crazy† (Faulkner 2162). However, as the story comes to an end, it becomes clear that she was not thinking straight. It is reasonable to state that Emily developed this state as a response to the challenging conditions she underwent as a Southern woman from an aristocratic background. As it appears, she was not able to develop strong and adaptive defensive mechanism to help her cope with life. In detail, Miss Emily was from a family endowed with enormous wealth and stature in their little Southern community yet she had always been burdened with the immense expectations that the society had of her. The community saw her as possessing a â€Å"hereditary obligation† (Faulkner 2160) to keep up with certain traditions, which had been instituted numerous generations before her. Her father had the manda te to transmit such values and traditions. Nonetheless, he was rigid in the way he reinforced these expectations. As the narrator states, as a man he had â€Å"thwarted her woman’s life so many times† (Faulkner 2164). For instance, he chased all of Emily’s suitors away because he never saw one that was good enough for his daughter. Consequently, she never married. Despite her father’s oppressiveness, Miss Emily’s mental state declines even the more. As the narrator states, Emily became â€Å"sick for a long time† (Faulkner 2162). This is the time that Emily starts to avoid contact with the community. The townspeople also do not confront Emily about any essential issues, for instance, the terrible smell that emanates from her home. The smell was becoming â€Å"detached, superseded, and forbidding† (Ruthmann 87) each day. The novel generation of townspeople wants to support the idea that they confront Miss Emily directly but Judge Steve ns forbids it by saying, â€Å"will you accuse a lady to her face of smelling bad?† (Faulkner 2162). He though the smell was a body odor. The young generation gives in, and those responsible for such concerns sneak into the lady’s basement surreptitiously to eliminate the odor by spreading lime. To conclude, it is clear that although Miss Emily may appear outwardly quiet and reserved in the confines of her home, her blatant rebellious personal to her family's wishes and her communities serves as a

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Born Global and Gradual Internationalization Essay Example for Free

Born Global and Gradual Internationalization Essay In traditional models, firm internationalization is seen as a gradual process of capability build-up by which firms slowly accumulate the resources necessary to face foreign market uncertainty (Eriksson, Johanson, Majkgard, Sharma, 1997). These models assume that firms grow in their domestic markets before they start to export extensively. This is supposedly so because there is a learning process involved in facing unknown markets, and such a process requires knowledge and resources to face and overcome uncertain outcomes and costly investments. Knowledge and resources are progressively acquired through experience, first in known domestic markets and then in larger foreign markets (for a review see Leonidou Katsikeas, 1996). Much literature has documented this liability of foreignness, or the cost faced by firms that operate abroad, and the need for companies to create capabilities in foreign markets (Mezias, 2002; Zaheer, 1995; Zaheer Mosakowski, 1997). Conventional models of internationalization have drawn criticism (Andersen, 1993; McDougall, Shane, Oviatt, 1994; Turnbull, 1987). There is empirical evidence that shows the existence of small, young firms, endowed with very limited resources, which begin to export immediately after their foundation. For instance, Moen and Servais (2002) reported, for a sample of Norwegian, French, and Danish firms, the existence of many companies exporting a large share of their total sales shortly after their establishment. Such empirical evidence suggests that the Uppsala model is not the only possible way to describe the firm internationalization processes. Turnbull (1987) criticizes the determinism inherent in stage-based models, and argues against the notion that all firms, regardless of industry type, country context, or other variables, must inevitably follow a fixed route to become international. Other authors (Chadee Mattsson, 1998; Erramilli Rao, 1993; OFarrell, Wood, Zheng, 1998) contend that the internationalization process is not equally complex and costly in all industries. In industries where trade barriers, fixed investment, and transportation costs are low, such as services, internationalization may be less costly in terms of monetary and organizational resources. The born global argument essentially states that firm internationalization does not have to go through the progressive accumulation of resources and capabilities. It posits that firms can start exporting from the moment they are created, and it asserts that firms are capable of penetrating markets that are far away, both geographically or â€Å"psychically† (on account of their different cultural and language traits), despite having limited resources and little accumulated organizational learning. The definition of a born-global firm was coined by McKinsey a report that analyzed a sample of Australian exporting firms (McKinsey Co. , 1993). It was used to describe firms that, apparently, had undergone faster processes of internationalization than would have been expected for firms of similar size, age, and nature. It was thus proposed that these firms were born globals. Cavusgil (1994), and also Knight and Cavusgil (1996), elaborated McKinsey Co. s empirical observation to argue against traditional models of internationalization. Cavusgil (1994: 18) went as far as to state that â€Å"gradual internationalization is dead. † These claims sparked an academic debate revolving around different theories of internationalization. Since then several authors (Collis, 1991; Knight Cavusgil, 2004; Madsen Servais, 1997; McDougall et al. , 1994; Oviatt McDougall, 1994) have attempted to provide a theoretical foundation for these empirical observations. The theory has focused on establishing the antecedents of such firm behavior. One research stream argues that the born global phenomenon will be most prevalent in knowledge-intensive firms, such as those that make software or information technology products. Once created, many knowledge-intensive products, such as software, can be replicated at low marginal cost. Amongst the 25% Born Global firms in Australia who achieved 76% of their sales through exports, several are high-tech firms, but the typical firm uses well-known technology. Because of this, it is argued that small knowledge-intensive firms can bypass the home market and target foreign markets, or enter domestic and international markets simultaneously (Bell, 1995; Bell, McNaughton, Young Crick, 2003; Boter Holmquist, 1996). Autio, Sapienza, and Almeida (2000) found that firm knowledge-intensity was positively correlated to international sales growth, and several studies (Bell, 1995; Boter Holmquist, 1996; Coviello, 1994) have documented the tendency for firms in knowledge-intensive sectors to internationalize rapidly. According to cavusgil, born global companies which normally compete in niche markets are very flexible and move fast. They are successful due to: 1. Skill to satisfy customized or specialised product requests from customers. 2. Advances in communication technology and let their managers work across boundaries and their response time is shorter and are very flexible and adaptable. A proposition often made is that the home market has little importance for the born-global firm, to the point of conjecturing that a small local demand might drive the firms efforts to seek opportunities abroad. Bell et al. (2003: 341), for instance, argue: â€Å"This behavior is particularly prevalent among firms operating in small open economies and in emerging nations, where domestic demand may be limited. † For example, Denmark is a very small market and firms are left with no other option but go to different markets to increase their sales and hence as a result there are many Born Global firms in Denmark. Approximately 39% of the firms in Denmark are born global. Most of the firms are extremely active exporters with exports accounting for almost 70% of their sales. Previous international experience of founders and employees has also been proposed as playing a mediating role in early internationalization (Bengtsson, 2004). Such experience enhances the firms ability to learn and, consequently, to internationalize rapidly. Some authors argue that the new firms knowledge and accumulated experience amount, in the end, to the entrepreneurs own knowledge about other markets (Knight Cavusgil, 2004). Madsen and Servais (1997) posit that differences between traditional exporters and born-global firms can be attributed largely to differences in their founders backgrounds. The founders international experience may affect the extent to which psychic distance from strategic markets is perceived to be an obstacle to internationalization. It is plausible that entrepreneurs with international experience have a well-developed network of contacts that allows them to internationalize earlier (Contractor, Hsu, Kundu, 2005; Kundu Katz, 2003). In the past 2 years several scholarly studies have focused on the network dynamics of international new ventures (Coviello, 2006; Mathews Zander, 2007; Mudambi Zahra, 2007; Zhou, Wu, Luo, 2007). To summarize, it appears that many theoretical and empirical considerations support the existence of born-global firms. This notwithstanding, extant theoretical developments and empirical studies are far from proving that â€Å"gradual internationalization is dead† (Cavusgil, 1994). The born-global literature is still lacking a precise definition of what a born-global firm is, and some existing definitions are tautological. Moen (2002) asserts, for instance, that â€Å"although firms that follow this incremental development pattern may still exist, the normal pattern may be different in the new millennium. † His assertion is supported by the fact that between 30 and 40% of the exporting firms in his sample of Norwegian and French firms were exporting within 2 years of their creation. The fact that 60–70% of firms in the sample were not exporting within those 2 years seems to be absent from the discussion. It also appears that the born-global argument can be made empirically stronger by simply changing the time span to first export required for a firm to be considered born global and also what percentage of sales should exports account for. Inconsistency in definition criteria makes it difficult to compare the born-global phenomenon across different studies. Another important thing in deciding whether a firm is truly global is to consider the Psychic distance I. e. ; the difference in culture, language and trade agreements between the firms country and the country to which it exports. For example, in Costa Rica many firms established a very dynamic trade with nearby countries. These countries – regional neighbours such as Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras – are close to Costa Rica in terms of cultural traits and business practices. Few firms, however, exported upon birth to the more challenging strategic markets, such as the US and Europe, which have very different business and cultural practices. The majority of firms that were classified as â€Å"born global† firms, turned out to actually be â€Å"born regional. † This means that although they started exporting very early in their lives, and continued exporting a fairly large share of their sales, much of these exports were aimed at regional neighbouring countries. There was only one firm, whose current exports account for 81% of total sales, that started exporting, right from its inception, to the most strategic market: the United States. This firm can be said to be a true â€Å"born global† firm, because it started out with more than half of its customers in a foreign country located far in terms of psychic distance. The existence of born-global firms contradicts much evidence that has shown the predominantly regional focus of the international activities of multinational enterprises (Rugman Brain, 2003). In the absence of country-specific advantages, one should expect a strong firm-resource endowment in order for firms to expand abroad successfully (Rugman Verbeke, 2005). Finally, the born-global conjecture lacks empirical support from firms that start operating in small developing countries. Developing countries could prove a suitable litmus test for the born-global hypothesis. This is so because the internal markets of developing countries are small. Hence, according to these theories, firms must look to larger, foreign, markets in order to grow, and therefore firms that operate in small developing countries should have strong incentives to internationalize early. Gradual internationalization is a concept that is still very relevant depending on the industry of the firm and size of the market. If a firm is in a Industry where it takes time to learn and an Industry that requires huge investment and is based in very big market it will adopt the Gradual internationalization model.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Evaluate what psychologists have discovered about substance use and abuse Essay Example for Free

Evaluate what psychologists have discovered about substance use and abuse Essay In discovering about substance use and abuse one issue encountered are the inevitable ethical issues that occur. In Mestel and Concars study for example, sensitive data was collected. Sharing this sensitive data wit hthe researchers may have caused participants unnecessary anxiety or embarrassment if for example the urine test showed that they had used cocaine. This inevitably leads to ethical issues due to the unpleasant emotions participants may have been subjected to. Similarly in Robinson et als study, participants may have experienced unpleasant emotions such as embarrassment and ill ease as a result of the personal nature of the questions asked. From the two studies we can see that ethics is often a factor when exploring the issue of substance use and abuse however substance abuse is, by definition, against social expectations and consequently is always likely to incur ethical dilemmas when researchers attempt to discover substance use and abuse. Another difficulty incurred when attempting to explore substance use and abuse is social desirability. Social desirability is the term given to the situation in which people give answers that are contrary or different to their beliefs because their alternative answer is more socially acceptable. In Moolchan et als study for example personal data was collected and in order to present themselves in abetter light people may have lied when giving their answer responding by saying that their parent didnt smoke when in fact they did for example. Similarly in Landos study baseline data was collected by asking participants to keep a diary detailing their smoking for one week. Participants may have recorded false information because they felt this false information would be more socially acceptable. Social desirability can lead to results which are invalid and resultantly lead to a lack of validity as the study will not record peoples true response. Another difficulty in discovering substance use and abuse is the issue of generalisability. Generalisability is the term used to define the extent to which results from one sample of participants can be applied to wider groups. In Griffiths study for example the findings may not be able to generalised to a country such as Australia as the sample used was not representative. Similarly Murrays study conducted in 1988 had a sample which was exclusively composed of adolescents and consequently it could not be applied to the wider population. In reality however a study is likely to never be truly representative to a global extent and in doing so such a diverse sample may make it hard for clear results to be distinguished due to cultural differences. Research into substance use and abuse may also incur the difficulty of ethnocentric bias. This is the tendency to perceive the world from you own cultural group, such as your wthnic group. The issue of ethnocentric bias can be seen in Gomels study. Gomel looked at a workplace in which smoking had been banned and how this related to the reduction in substance use (smoking). The study can be een to be ethnocentrically biased because it was conducted in one workplace in Australia. Ethnocentric bias can result in research that is not applicable to the larger population as the results from this study may not be found to be the same if it was conducted in Australia for example. c) Many people resolve to give up smoking each new year. With middle aged women specifically in mind suggest one psychological technique which would be useful to help them in their attempts to stop smoking. Give reasons for your answer. In attempting to stop smoking one technique which may be useful is the use of self help groups. Self help groups are support circles where each member is also attempting to quit smoking. As Moolchan discovered in his study, women who smoke are likely to be socially skilled and confident and so may find a group therapy useful where they can support and gain support from other women in the group who are in a socially similar position to themselves. Group therapy may also be effective in helping a middle aged woman quit smoking as she may make friends with people in the group and thus turn to them for support as she would turn to a friend outside of the group. The clear difference however would be that the person in the group would be going through the same experience as the middle aged woman and so would be able to identify with her. Those in the support group may also acknowledge an element of competition each one wanting to continue to stop smoking so they remain in the group. For this variety of reasons a support group is likely to be the most effective strategy in supporting a middle aged woman who is giving up smoking.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Importance Of Search Engine Marketing Marketing Essay

Importance Of Search Engine Marketing Marketing Essay The Internet has induced a significant change in the way the public make and acquire information, which leads to shift their pattern in terms of search and purchase (Ghose Yang 2009). Search engines give consumers means to connect with related information which is available in the Internet environment (Rangaswamy et al. 2009). From the perspective of firms, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) enables them to put advertising on search engines to target consumers (Boughton 2005). In the tourism industry, many companies may have difficulty being visible on search engine return pages (SERPs) due to massive results about a particular keyword which consumers are searching for. In this paper, it will be dealt with two options of SEM which a small tourism business marketer can consider to expand their business: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (also called as Paid Placement). Furthermore, advantages and disadvantages of two options will be analyses in terms of several aspects, and a single method will be chosen by reflecting upon the purpose of a small tourism company. Furthermore, some recommendation that the selected option can have in order to overcome its limitation will be mentioned. Importance of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) SEMPO (Search Engine Marketing Professional Organisational) (2009) declared at the Search Engine Strategies Conference that expenditure on SEM will continuously increase in 2009 in spite of repercussion of the global financial crisis, and also expected that total spending on SEM will reach $26.1 billion in 2013. The reason for large investment of companies on SEM is that as contrasted with the slow increment in the number of viewership of TV, approximately 10-20% growth in online search volume is achieved every year (Hoffman Novak 2000). Hotchkiss et al. (2004) announce that the searching population relies extremely on search engine for online searches, which reminds online dealers of the importance of developing marketing strategies that enhances their firms visibility in the search results presented to potential customers. Furthermore, Weideman and Chambers (2005) reported that it is significant for marketers to have their websites placed on the first SERPs, or not less than on the first three pages of search results. According to iProspect (2006), 62% of search engine users click on results within first SERPs, and 90% of online searcher incline to click on results within the first three pages of SERPs. Accordingly, it is obviously seen that effective SEM development is a greatly important issue for all companies to place their website link on at least the first three result pages in order to expose itself to their prospect customers in the Internet environment. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Pay Per Click Broadly, SEM is defined as a form of Internet marketing whereby firms and organizations attempt to obtain high visibility on SERPs via paid or non-paid methods (Moran Hunt 2005). There are two major forms of SEM: (1) Search engine optimisation (SEO), and (2) Paid search marketing or Pay Per Click (Chaffey et al. 2009). SEO is used to reach the highest ranking in terms of a company or its product in the natural or organic listings regarding a particular combination of keywords which searchers type (Chaffey et al. 2009). The performance of SEO can be improved by reforming firms websites codes such as the title tag, meta-tags, heading tags and so forth (Chaffey et al. 2009). Pay Per Click means that firms pay search engine such as Google and Yahoo to be placed in the sponsored section (in case of Google, called sponsored link) of search result pages about keywords consumers enter (Hansell 2001). According to SEMPO (2007), approximately 87% of the amount spent on Pay Per Click and SEO captured only about 11% in 2007. The reason of this distinctive investment between two options is that Pay Per Click is regarded as the best method of enhancing visibility in the search result page (Sen 2005). The reason why companies focus on improving their visibility on SERPs is that high visibility will lead to more access to a firms website, which could result in more profits for the firm (Sen 2005). However, the expenditure of firms on SEO is predicted to increase as implementing SEO is generally cheaper than Pay Per Click (Hallerman 2008). Furthermore, iProspect study represented (2004) that Google users clicked on an organic listing (72.3%) over two times more than on a sponsored link (27.7%). In this regard, investing on only implementing Pay Per Click seems somewhat not a efficient strategy. In order to maximise the performance of SEM which firms implement, it will be best to use both of types. However, most marketers may have a limited budget to spend on SEM implementing. Accordingly, they have to choose the best option in consideration of their firms current position, reputation, and financial status. The value of search to tourism business Search engines have become a vital tool for online travel planners. They frequently initiate making their trip plan by utilizing search engines to search for and select useful information (Pan Fesenmaier 2006). If travel information seekers hold a friendly website in their bookmark or have decided a particular website to visit, they might go sprightly to the website. However, if online travel planners do not have sufficient information for travel websites, they generally select a search engine, type keywords, and perform the search. Afterwards, they are exposed to the results of their keywords entered (Hwang et al. 2006). Furthermore, Travel Industry Association reports (2005) that the first place which consumers visit to make a travel plan is increasingly search engine websites. As a tremendous online travel planners use search engine to find travel websites, tourism companies have to recognise the importance of effective SEM development. This is because visibility of a website on the Internet is related with the number of visitors. For example, travel companies make every effort to ensure that tourism-related information become visible so that potential visitors can access it (Werthner Klein 1999). Moreover, Kim and Fesenmaier (2008) announce that consumers first impression on, as well as consequently the general estimation of, a destination marketing organizations website can influenced considerably by the use of search engine. Accordingly, it is more likely that search engines affects positive attitudes toward tourism business. Therefore, tourism marketers have to consider the way in which their websites are searched by search engines more easily and more frequently to maximize its advantaged involved. Challenges of Search Engine in tourism business Although search engine has positive effects on tourism business, they have faced challenges. Research has shown that numerous tourism firms websites are increasingly invisible to prospective searchers (Xiang Pan 2009). According to Wober (2006), many tourism businesses were pushed back on the search results for travel related keywords consumers entered. This will lead consumers to spend considerable amount of time on relevant information finding they intend. Besides, this also makes consumers to have difficulty accessing directly a particular tourism business via search engine (Xiang Pan 2009). It might be easily presumed that it is more difficult for small and medium-size tourism firms to be visible on the screen of users than big firms due to their low reputation. Xiang et al. found (2008) that search results in Google are dominated by a small number of big tourism enterprises, which results in the visibility decrease of innumerable small and medium-sized tourism enterprises. Accordingly, tourism marketers, especially those who are engaged in small and medium-sized tourism enterprises, have to make effective SEM strategies to make their websites to become more visible than their competitors. Assumption of a small tourism company In this paper, it will be assumed that a small tourism company launched its business six months ago. It has low brand value, and most consumers do not know its existence in the tourism industry. Furthermore, it has tight budgets, thereby having a trouble in hiring salespeople. Analysis of strength and weakness of SEO and Pay Per Click In this part, two kinds of options regarding SEM, SEO and Pay Per Click will be addressed as an option. In 2007, SEMPO (2007) conducted a survey of purpose of SEM use to advertisers. According to respondents, three main purposes of using SEM is (1) to sell products, services or content directly online (approximately 58%), (2) to raise brand awareness of their products or services (about 63%), and (3) to drive traffic to their websites (nearly 43%). From the results of this survey, several criteria in terms of a choice between SEO and Pay can be selected. Furthermore, SEMPO (2007) conducted another survey for same interviewees, which could be a somewhat persuasive evidence to select criteria. It questioned them about metrics considered to measure the success of SEM. About 76% of marketers paid attention to both increased traffic volume and conversion rate. In addition, approximately 70% of marketers tracked click-thru rate and 67% of them measured return on investment as a metric for success of SME. Marketers need to consider online searchers preference and relevance of results about query. From the response to the survey, four criteria in terms of a choice between SEO and Pay Per Click can be led; (1) conversion rate, (2) click rate and visibility, (3) ROI (Return on Investment), (4) preference and traffic (5) relevance. Conversion rate Conversion rate means the percentage of clicks on Pay Per Click or SEO link that generate a sale for firms websites (Neethling 2007). If conversion rate is 20%, two out of ten clicks do not create any profit for those websites. Ghose and Yang (2008) found that the conversion rate of Pay Per Click is approximately two times more than that of SEO, respectively 5.4% and 2.76%. In this regard, if a firm implement Pay Per Click, it can make a profit twice more than SEO. Click rate and visibility As mentioned in 3. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Pay Per Click, SEO has higher click rate than Pay Per Click while SEOs visibility is lower than Pay Per Click. ROI (Return on Investment) ROI will be an important measure for accountants of all companies because it indicates the effectiveness of an investment. iProspect (2005) conducted a survey with 636 qualified search marketers and 224 qualified search agencies in terms of ROI of SEO and Pay Per Click. In this survey, respondents revealed that SEO (35%) generates approximately three times higher than paid search (11%). The more interesting figure is that even more search marketers (42%) who utilise both SEO and paid search felt that SEO produces a higher ROI than Pay Per Click. Preference Several research present that many online search users have a preference for results from SEO over Pay Per Click. According to a survey conducted by Hotchkiss et al. with 425 respondents, who extremely selected links providing trusted and unbiased information source information (2004), over 77% of participants selected organic links rather than the sponsored link. Furthermore, Hotchkiss (2004) found that even 20% of users who have inefficient experience in online search have confusion about the definition of sponsored link on the search result page. In addition, this research also represented that if sponsored listings were located on the right side of the result page on screen, then many online searchers did not pay attention to or did not perceive the sponsored listings partially. Moreover, in a survey conducted by Jansen and Resnick (2006), 56 participants revealed a bias against sponsored link. In this test, 82% of participants viewed the organic listings first as contrasted with 6% for sponsored link. Additionally, over 73% of the searchers viewed sponsored links just once during the six search times. Accordingly, it can be also anticipated that SEO can acquire more traffic than PPC. Relevance Online searchers found that organic search results are more relevant than sponsored link results in terms of their keywords. According to iProspect (2004), across the four main search engines, Google, Yahoo, Msn, and AOL, 60.5% of respondents found that organic results were more relevant about same query. In particular, about 72% of Google users felt that organic results were more suitable for their keywords. Option choice Although both SEO and Pay Per Click have its distinctive advantages, it will be insisted that SEO is a better option for a small tourism company. In consideration of selecting SEO, sever criteria such as Return on Investment, preference, click rate, traffic rate, and result relevance are considered. First of all, Return on Investment is the most important criterion to select for a small tourism business since it has inefficient budget to implement. Although conversion rate of Pay Per Click is higher than SEO, the firm needs to make a profit as much as possible with limited budget. On the basis of ROI from Table 1, if it utilises SEO rather than Pay Per click for its SEM, it can obtain more effective financial outcome. Next, the preference of search engine users is also critical criterion. Although visibility of Pay Per Click is higher than SEO, if searchers ignore sponsored link, it does not give any effect on a small tourism company. This preference of SEO can lead to higher click rate and traffic rate, which will assist the firm to increase its brand awareness and reputation. For a small tourism business, enhancing brand awareness will be also extremely important as much as earning profits for its long-term outcome. Lastly, a small tourism company needs to always appear on SERPs for query in terms of its company. Since the firm launched recently, if online users search for its company, it is highly likelihood that massive results could show up including totally different results. Accordingly, in order for the users to find its company easily, SEO is a better method than Pay Per Click. Recommendation Though it is insisted that SEO is a better method for a small business tourism company, obviously, its low visibility is a challenge. Furthermore, the performance of SEO depends on search engine algorithm. Accordingly, the position of search result about a small business company could be different, and even it could not appear on SERPs. In order for the firm to be more exposed on SERPs, it needs to use social networking service (SNS) such as Facebook and Twitter. The firm can add its link to SNS, which will lead to higher position on SERPs. This is because external link from other sites has an impact on ranking. Furthermore, it will also increase the firms brand awareness. Conclusion It will be expected that much more companies utilise search engine marketing since consumers increasingly depends on the Internet to search for product or service information. Although there are several sorts of search engine marketing methods, firms with small budgets may have difficult to employ all methods. Accordingly, they need to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of its method, and also consider their financial condition and purpose. Though search engine optimisation and Pay Per Click will have an positive impact on most firms, it will be suggested that a small tourism company utilizes search engine optimisation due to its higher Return on Investment, preference, click rate, traffic rate, and result relevance. However, search engine optimisation also has challenge. Accordingly, firms need to use social networking service to maximize the effect of search engine optimisation. Furthermore, they have to make high quality contents within their website in order to attract onli ne searchers.

The Psychology of Post-Conventional Morality and Martin Luther King Jr.

Introduction Morals, as defined by psychologist, are the attitudes and beliefs held by individuals that aid in the determination or what is right and what is wrong (Hock 142). It is believed that what is deemed moral is determined by our culture and the norms present in that culture. It is also believed that we are not born with an established set of morals; instead, we must gain this outline of what is moral throughout our childhood and adolescence and into adulthood. In order to properly analyze the extent Bandura social learning theory plays in the attainment of level three, stage six, of Kohlberg’s moral development theory the theories of Kohlberg and Bandura must be properly outlined. The application of these theories will then by applied to case of Martin Luther King, Jr. who observed, through texts, the non-violent protest methods of Mohandas Gandhi. Lawrence Kohlberg, focusing his research on Jean Piaget, gained in interest in child development. While at the University of Chicago, Kohlberg expounded upon the ideas set forth by Piaget and posed the question â€Å"how does the amoral infant become capable of moral reasoning† (Hock 143)? As a result of his research, Kohlberg created his moral development stage theory. His theory consists of three stages and each stage has two respective levels. In the first level, known as either pre-conventional morality or pre-moral, a person shows only self interest. In the first stage of this level a person will act morally simply because they are motivated by rewards or punishments. In stage two, the best interest of the person is the motivation for moral behavior. Conventional morality, the second level, is where a person’s relationship between others plays a larger role in moral beha... be suggested that one can develop morally even in the absence of this direct model-observer interaction if all other conditions are met. These conditions being: attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation. This essay has attempted at asserting that history can have a direct impact on moral development and can act as the model when applied to situations that contain the combination of factors. Bibliography 1) Hock, Roger R. Forty Studies that Changed Psychology: Explorations into the History of Psychological Research. 5th. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2005. 142-50. Print. 2) Weber, Thomas Gandhi as Disciple and Mentor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 3) Rudolf, Lloyd L., and Susanne Hoeber Rudolf. Post Modern Gandhi and other essays. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2006. 92-120. Print.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Masculinity At Its Straightest Essay -- Gender Issues

The misguided perception of masculinity is the absence of anything remotely homosexual. In Michael Kimmel’s novel Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men he discusses the contradictions of masculinity and what it takes to be seen as a real men. In American, middle class white society, manhood is more than beards and sleeping around with women, it is being as far away from feminine as allowed. The most foreign idea to most would be to consider a gay man to be â€Å"manly.† This unfathomable idea is what spurs on homophobia and gives homosexuality a foul name. To be called a â€Å"sissy† or â€Å"faggot† is worse than being called a â€Å"bastard† or â€Å"dick.† Shaking a man of his masculinity and naming him a woman psychologically destroys a man. Guyland best describes this as, â€Å"Homophobia—the fear that people might misperceive you as gay—is the animating fear of American guys’ masculinity. It’s w hat lies underneath the crazy, risk-taking behaviors practiced by boys of all ages, what drives the fear that other guys will see you as weak, unmanly, frightened† (Guyland 50). This kind of methodology has been growing for generations, seen mostly in high schools as young boys get physically tortured or beaten for effeminate behavior. The lack of acceptance in culture is increasingly appalling for all age groups. It is a form of conformity of culture as psychologist Karen Franklin discusses: Assaults on homosexuals and other individuals who deviate from sex role norms are viewed as a learned form of social control of deviance rather than a defensive response to personal threat ... in other words, through heterosexism, any male who refuses to accept the dominant culture's assignment of appropriate masculine behavior is labeled early on as a â€Å"sissy† ... ...people from being considered masculine. All sexualities have the capability of masculinity, but just not all choose to follow the path of aggression and strength. Works Cited Franklin, Karen. "Inside the Mind of People Who Hate Gays." PBS. WGBH educational foundation, n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. "Gay Men and Masculinity." MyOutSpirit. N.p., 19 Mar. 2006. Web. 10 Dec. 2011. "Gay Teens Bear Burden of Homophobia." American Society of Adolescent Psychiatry, 2011. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. Kimmell, Michael. Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. New York City: HarperCollins Publishers, 2008. Kimmell, Michael. Manhood in America. New York City: Simon and Schuster, 1996. 284. Stevens, Tom. "Fraternity Initiations - The Elephant Walk." Liberty Lion. N.p., 13 Jan. 2011. Web. 10 Dec. 2011.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Free Narrative Essay - Our Big Trip to State College :: Personal Narrative Essays

Our Big Trip to State College Overwhelming, there is simply no other way of putting the impact that my first "big trip to State College" had on me. The weekend had the potential to be an explosive one, but I had no idea that it would take the turn it did. We began our trip with a stop at Sheetz, picking up all of the necessary goods, such as gas, beef jerky, and cigarettes. One might be thinking, how can one trip to State College be any different than any other. All that college kids do when they go up to State is drink, dance, and throw-up. Well this particular trip involved my roommate Jason, myself and Jason's best friend Nick's ex-girlfriend. This is where the plot thickens. Jason and I sneaked up to State for the day and neglected to mention to Nick that we were going, due to the fact that we were planning to rendezvous with his ex-girlfriend Nicole. When we arrived in State College we met up with Nicole and a couple of her friends. We proceeded to go to her friends dorm and began playing drinking games prior to t he evening of partying. Needless to say after a couple hours of drinking games we were all a little tipsy, so we then sauntered on over to a Fraternity party, where we continued working on our inebriation. After a long night of partying and fraternizing with hundreds of drunk college kids much like ourselves, we headed back to the dorm in which the whole evening started. And just as any after-school special goes, there was one kid who had just a little too much to drink, and he proceeded to put his hand through a plate glass window. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?!?!?!" were the first words out of every mouth. So Jason, myself, and Nicole decided to vacate the premises and head back to Altoona, which was both a good and bad idea. It was a good idea because the following morning we found out that the dorm room we were in had got busted and each person in the room received a 300 dollar citation for drinking, and their driver licenses were suspended. Although with the good you have to be prepared for the bad, which was

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Types of Computers

Computers help us with our daily lives when we may not even know it. There are also different kinds of computers other than the personal computer that also help us in more harder tasks. But what are these other computers and how are we benefiting from their skills? There are 4 main types of computers. All these computers have different capabilities. Theses computers are: personal computers, mainframes, dedicated computers and embedded computers. They all help us in different ways, in different places and for different purposes. So, what do they do and how have they impacted upon society? Personal Computers- These computers may only be used by one person at a single time. The biggest ones are the ones you have at home that fit on a desktop. Some personal computers may be given additional microprocessors so as to perform special tasks like graphics, maths, sound etc. The uses for personal computers are very widespread. They are used in companies and at homes, and have many features that help us with simple to complicated tasks. These tasks may include writing up an assignment on a wordprocessor, storing information in a file, research a particular subject and so on. Personal computers can also be used for educational purposes, leisure (games) listening to music, watching movies, use of the Internet and a whole lot more. Also, portable types of personal computers have been made such as the laptop, notebook computers and PDA's. †¢Mainframes- This type of computer is the fastest of them all. They use a big storage system and so they are able to do more of the complicated tasks and handle more information. Mainframes are the largest of the different types of computers and must be stored in several large cabinets. Some mainframes may be able to do several tasks while others might only be able to perform only one. Unlike personal computers, mainframes may have hundreds of people logged on at the same time. The users are said to be time sharing as the computer quickly swapping between users , doing little bits of work before going to another. The supercomputer, the fastest of the mainframes, are used to do even more complex projects like the design of aircraft. Although they are extremely powerful, there aren't too many of them as they are also extremely expensive. The fastest of the the supercomputers are parallel computers. Dedicated Computers- These are special-purpose machines. Some include wordprocessors and video-game units. The smallest of the video-game units are the battery-operated ones such as the gameboy. Larger ones are the ones which plug into the tv like the XBox and the Playstation. The biggest of them all are found in game arcades. †¢Embedded Computers- These are control units built into the devices they control. Examples of embedded computers are telephones, digital watches and VCR's. Aircraft and robots also have embedded computers inside them and missiles have them to direct them to their targets. Types of Computers Computers help us with our daily lives when we may not even know it. There are also different kinds of computers other than the personal computer that also help us in more harder tasks. But what are these other computers and how are we benefiting from their skills? There are 4 main types of computers. All these computers have different capabilities. Theses computers are: personal computers, mainframes, dedicated computers and embedded computers. They all help us in different ways, in different places and for different purposes. So, what do they do and how have they impacted upon society? Personal Computers- These computers may only be used by one person at a single time. The biggest ones are the ones you have at home that fit on a desktop. Some personal computers may be given additional microprocessors so as to perform special tasks like graphics, maths, sound etc. The uses for personal computers are very widespread. They are used in companies and at homes, and have many features that help us with simple to complicated tasks. These tasks may include writing up an assignment on a wordprocessor, storing information in a file, research a particular subject and so on. Personal computers can also be used for educational purposes, leisure (games) listening to music, watching movies, use of the Internet and a whole lot more. Also, portable types of personal computers have been made such as the laptop, notebook computers and PDA's. †¢Mainframes- This type of computer is the fastest of them all. They use a big storage system and so they are able to do more of the complicated tasks and handle more information. Mainframes are the largest of the different types of computers and must be stored in several large cabinets. Some mainframes may be able to do several tasks while others might only be able to perform only one. Unlike personal computers, mainframes may have hundreds of people logged on at the same time. The users are said to be time sharing as the computer quickly swapping between users , doing little bits of work before going to another. The supercomputer, the fastest of the mainframes, are used to do even more complex projects like the design of aircraft. Although they are extremely powerful, there aren't too many of them as they are also extremely expensive. The fastest of the the supercomputers are parallel computers. Dedicated Computers- These are special-purpose machines. Some include wordprocessors and video-game units. The smallest of the video-game units are the battery-operated ones such as the gameboy. Larger ones are the ones which plug into the tv like the XBox and the Playstation. The biggest of them all are found in game arcades. †¢Embedded Computers- These are control units built into the devices they control. Examples of embedded computers are telephones, digital watches and VCR's. Aircraft and robots also have embedded computers inside them and missiles have them to direct them to their targets.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Outline and evaluate research into the nature of relationships Essay

A further difference found in the nature of relationships across cultures is the level of continuity. Western societies commonly thrive for change and progress, and so relationships also inevitably undergo change. Because of this, relationships within Western cultures are usually discontinuous and only temporary. In many Eastern cultures, they have a high regard for heritage and ancestry. Unlike in Western cultures, change is not so readily accepted. Non-Western cultures emphasise the idea of continuity and so relationships are often permanent. An issue with this theory is that Western cultures have only recently been more accepting of temporary relationships. In the 1950’s, women’s roles changed dramatically, and they since have had more of a choice within relationships. Since contraception also was introduced, women have gained greater freedom to participate in relationships as this makes the burden of a child optional. This has made break ups and divorces a lot more acceptable in the Western world. This recent change may mean that the differences between Western and Non-Western societies may not be down to the culture itself but due to the social mobility and urbanisation of the society. This makes conclusions taken from this theory hard to generalise, as it may not even be a correct representation of Western and Non-Western culture. You cannot define a culture by its level of urbanisation. There are many distinct differences between relationships in different cultures, as highlighted by various psychological studies and theories. The main similarity in these is that they usually result in relationships being categorised by being Western or Non-Western. Although these categories are commonly used to describe cultural relationships within psychology, a major issue with this is that it makes the study or theory reductionist. This is because it suggests that all relationships can be broken down into two simple components. Reducing relationships into these two simple categories poses the danger of many factors of relationships being disregarded. Individual differences of those involved will massively shape their behaviour within the relationship. For example, some people who live in a Western society may still choose to undergo an arranged marriage (and vice versa), depending on their preferences. Because of this, it is hard to generalise conclusions from these studies/theories to a wider society as they don’t necessarily represent the entire demographic. Drawing such conclusions can leave them susceptible to abuse and manipulation, which could be seen as forms of racism. This can be considered as unethical.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

MacBeth versions comparison essay Essay

There are many differences between interpretations of William Shakespeare’s MacBeth. This essay wall contrast Shakespeare’s original version and a movie version by Roman Polanski produced in 1970. Three major differences will be discussed. One difference between Shakespeare’s and Polanski’s version is the absence of the scene in England in Polanski’s version. In the Original MacBeth, MacDuff goes to England to convince Malcolm to return and fight MacBeth. The scene of the longest of the play; it is very drawn out and lengthy. Polanski simply eliminates this scene and shows Malcolm back in Scotland. The reason I feel that Polanski did this is that the scene detracts from the continuity and action of the play. The play is equally effective without the scene, and more streamlined. Another difference between the original and Polanski’s version is the scene where MacBeth kills the king, Duncan. In the original, Shakespeare was not allowed to show the death of a divine right ruler, so he showed MacBeth coming out of the king’s bedchamber after he had committed the murder. For Polanski’s version, however, he had no such limitation, and could show anything that he chose, so he showed the actual murder of Duncan, where Duncan wakes up, and MacBeth cuts his throat after stabbing him. The reason that Polanski inserted this scene was to show how cold-blooded MacBeth was, and that he would do anything to achieve his goal of becoming king. A third difference is the use of the letter that MacBeth writes to his wife describing how he has become Thane of Cawdor and the witches’ three predictions. In the original, the letter was read by Lady MacBeth, and then not mentioned again. In Polanski’s version, Lady MacBeth takes out the letter after everything with her and her husband’s plan has gone wrong, reads it, and then kills herself. The reason that Polanski did this is that the letter is a useful device to cause Lady MacBeth to kill herself. She reads the letter, and it’s all this happy news, but she and MacBeth are miserable, and all the good things in the letter have gone awry. There are scenes also in Polanski’s version which are not even included in the original. One of these such scenes would be the scene where the traitors from the war are being executed. They are brutally hung with cast iron brackets on their neck. This scene is very successful in showing the brutal treatment of traitors, the treatment that MacBeth would get if he was caught in his plan. The original did not do such a good job on this. Another of these such scenes would be the dreams that MacBeth has about Fleance killing him and Banquo helping him. Due to the extreme lack of technology in Shakespeare’s time, this was not possible. The dreams sequence serves to show how haunted MacBeth’s dreams are, and how worried he is about losing the throne to Fleance because of the witches’ predictions. There are many differences between these two version of MacBeth, and each of them, I believe, serves it’s own purpose to enhance and better the play.

Manipur Reasearch paper Essay

INTRODUCTION Manipur is situated on the North-eastern part of India, and is a part of the seven sister states .Manipur is one of the seven states of Northeast India. The state is bound by Nagaland in the north, by Mizoram in the south, by Assam in the west, and by the borders of the country Burma in the east as well as in the south. The state capital of Manipur is Imphal. The state lies at latitude of 23 °83’N – 25 °68’N and longitude of 93 °03’E – 94 °78’E. The total area covered by the state is 22,347 km ². The capital lies in an oval-shaped valley of approximately 700 square miles (2,000 km2) surrounded by blue mountains and is at an elevation of 790 metres above the sea level. The slope of the valley is from north to south. There are four major river basins in Manipur State, the Barak River Basin (Barak Valley) to the west, the Manipur River Basin in central Manipur, the Yu River Basin in the east, and a portion of the Lanye River Basin in the north. The total water resources of Barak and Manipur river basins are about 1.8487 Mham. The overall water balance of the state amounts to 0.7236 The Barak river, the largest river of Manipur, originates in the Manipur Hills and is joined by a number of tributaries such as the Irang, Maku, and Tuivai. The Manipur river basin has eight major rivers: the Manipur, Imphal, Iril, Nambul, Sekmai, thchakpi, Thoubal and Khuga. All these rivers originate from the surrounding hills. These rivers are corrosive in nature and assume turbulent form in the rainy season. Flora and Fauna:- Manipur has a good flora and fauna and is among the most scenic states of India. Blessed with an amazing varieties of flora and fauna ,the hills covered by forests constituting 67% of the geographical area of Manipur, hold the tourist spell bound. Nong_in is the state bird of Manipur .The most unique animal is Sangai-the brow antlered and vegetation on the Loktak Lake sustains small herds of this endemic and threatened cervid in the world. Manipur has two major divisions Imphal and Churachandpur . Imphal is a large city compared to other cities in Manipur. Imphal has a good tourism potential with scenic rivers flowing through its terrain. The tourism department is making efforts to make Imphal exciting and bring in tourists  from across the country. Shopping centres are slowly making their way into Imphal. Imphal is also developing on the economic front, with entrepreneurs trying to tap the business potential in Imphal. The Loktak Lake is a popular floating lake in Imphal, where people come in large numbers to relax on comfortable boat houses. Tourists are bound to be fascinated by the calmness which surrounds the lake, and is a preferred destination for tourists requiring break from their hectic schedule. Churachandpur is another better developed city in Manipur, only second to Imphal.. The town of Churachandpur remains unexploited by tourists, because of the rugged terrain. The town attracted many investors during the late nineteenth century. Tourism in the town hasn’t developed to its potential. A lot of scenic and beautiful locations remain inaccessible, which is a cause of concern for the authorities. Tourists need not be disappointed because these sites are opening up and provide a lot of opportunities for tourists. The great tourist discovery:- The wondrously little Shangrila and â€Å"a jewelled land† Manipur is a veritable paradise on earth where mother nature has been extra generous in her bounty. Manipur promises to be the great tourist discovery of the 21st century. With an oval shaped valley surrounded by blue green hills ,rich in arts and tradition it has inspired description such as the â€Å"Switzerland of the East’ with tripping rivers ,carpets of flowers ,exotic blooms and lazy lakes. The people and the tribes of Manipur includes Meities ,Nagas and kukis ,chin-Mizo groups and other colourful communities which have lived in complete harmony for centuries. Cultures and traditions: Manipur is a state which has different culture, when compared to the other parts of India. The people here speak Manipuri and are very warm and friendly towards tourists. Manipur is a mosaic of traditions and cultural patterns .In the field of art and culture.The state is best represented by its classical and folkdance forms. A spring festival ,the â€Å"Lai Horaoba† held in April/May is symbolised by a traditional, stylised and ritualistic dance performed for peace and prosperity. Theatre and society in Manipur are  intimately linked, as in many parts of the world. Manipuris are a culturally enthusiastic people. Cultural spirit has never been allowed to be blown out despite the area’s remoteness from the outside world. This is why it still thrives in the Manipur valley. Major tourists attractions:- The major tourist attractions in the State, amongst others, are fascinating lakes, breath taking green hills and landscapes, historic monuments. Apart from the above mention tourists attractions of Manipur. The shree shree Govindajee Temple near the old Palace of the Maharaja of Manipur attracts large numbers of pilgrimage tourists. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To find out how the natural beauty of Manipur could become a major attraction for the tourists. To identify and explore the art and culture of Manipur as an attraction for the tourists. To study the present status of tourism in Manipur. To find out how tourism can be developed in Manipur. To identify the obstacles in tourism development. To propose a plan to develop and improve tourism infrastructure in the state, along with a marketing strategy. PRIMARY DATA 1. I will be collecting information through a questionnaire. 2. Name of the tourist:- Sex:- (a) Male ( ), (b) Female ( ). 3. From which part of India do you belong ? a) North ( ), b) South ( ) c) East ( ), d) West ( ) 4. Whether he/she is coming for the first time, (a) Yes( ), (b) No( ) 5. Why you have chosen Manipur? (a) Natural beauty ( ), (b) Adventures ( ), (c) cultural heritage( ) & (d) Others ( ). 6. What mode of transport did you use to reach Manipur? Surface transport:- (a) Railway ( ), (b) Bus ( ) Air transport:- (a) Aeroplane ( ) 7. How long did you stay in Manipur? (a) 3 Days ( ), (b) 1 Weeks ( ), (c) 1 Month ( ). 8. How do you feel or think about the local peoples of Manipur (a) Friendly ( ), (b) Hostile ( ), (c) Indifferent ( ). 9. Would you like to pay repeat visit to Manipur? (a) Yes ( ), (b) No ( ) 10. How was the taste of the food you had in Manipur? (a) Excellent ( ) , (b) Good ( ), (c) Poor ( ). 11. Are you satisfied with your visit to Manipur? (a) Yes ( ), (b) No ( ). 12. In your opinion what steps should be taken up to attract the tourists in visiting Manipur. a) Improvement of infrastructure b) Better publicity and marketing of Manipur tourism c) safety and security of the tourists. SECONDARY DATA Secondary data collected were; reports, articles, publications, books and other documents and also websites. News paper Megazines Journals Books Analysis of data: Both primary and secondary data will be analyse and highlited on the project reports. Tentative chapterization Chapter – 1: Introduction Chapter- 2 : Natural heritage of Manipur Chapter- 3 : Cultural heritage and attractions of Manipur i: Various sites and destinations ii: Art & Crafts iii: Fairs & Festivals iv: Other culture activities Chapter- 4 : Present state or status of Manipur tourism Chapter- 5: Proposal plan or policy for tourism development in Manipur. i: Infrastructure ii: Promotion (attraction,activities area) iii: Strong tourism plan Chapter- 6 : Conclusion REFERENCES Northeast Today. Retrieved 25 Dec,2012 Manipur Tourism ,published by Tourism Department, Govt. of Manipur A Tourist paradise: E.Ishorjit singh,B.R publishing cororation,2005 Manipur past and present,naorem sanajaoba www.Tourism_manipur www.Manipur_tourism_policy_2011

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Caring For Those Left Behind

The Ignited States of America is a nation that has been fighting two wars on two fronts for thirteen years. With an all-volunteer force, our nations military is made up of brave men and women from all walks of life, brought together for one common goal; the safety of our nation. However, with this desire for safety also comes sacrifice, and not in the way that most people think of when they think Of our military members.I am referring to those who are left behind when a service member packs a bag and heads for a foreign land. The spouses, children, parents, and other dependents of these men and women. A life like no other Being a dependent of a service member is a task that the majority of the American population will never take on. The stress that these family members go though can be both physical and psychological, due to factors including deployment cycles, long and unpredictable duty hours, relocations, and living in a foreign country (Padded Poses, 2013). Frequent moves that military families go through can lead to a loss of a support network.The process of having to start over every few years and find a new job, make new friends while leaving old ones and leaving everything familiar behind can take a huge toll on a person. In addition, family separations, even short ones, can leave a military spouse to report feelings of loneliness. If there is a child at home, this spouse is now effectively a single parent. Deployments to war zones can bring a whole new dimension of stress to the family left behind, s their loved one now faces the risk of serious injury or death (Padded Poses, 2013).How are medical professionals, who may or may not have first- hand experience with this unique lifestyle, to adjust the care that is given this portion of the population? Care Enough to Ask While most spouses and family members of service members receive on- base medical services, there are those that are seen in civilian facilities. Families of members of reserve units more often than not live too far from a military facility, so they will seek care in the local community.As healthcare providers, it is important to ask about military affiliation and where in the deployment cycle (past, current or future) a family may be. In addition, it is important to ask questions about the service member themselves. Asking these questions can give a provider insight into stress levels, sleep quality and self-care. If symptoms Of anxiety or depression are present, further screening can be recommended. This line of questioning lets the patient know that you care enough to ask. From here, additional support can be offered when deed. Assessing the mental status of the patient can be crucial to providing proper care. In a study of National Guard spouses, 34% met the criteria for one or more mental health problems including depression, suicide ideation, and hazardous alcohol use. (Padded Poses, 2013). This means that more than one out of 4 spouses of the 1. 1 million military spouses have had what could be considered a mental health emergency. Another area of concern is the coping mechanisms the spouse is currently using to deal with the stress and separation.Everything from financial situation, level of communication, level of familial dysfunction and age of the spouse can give indication of the level of coping skills said spouse possesses. Taking a full history and asking questions pertaining to these areas of concern can assist a provider in making proper recommendations. Once all necessary information has been collected, the provider can then assist the spouse with support groups, coping skills, and stress management. Recommendations can be made with regards to self-care.Getting enough leap can be an all important factor in self-care, as a lack Of sleep can worsen any mental state. This combined with poor nutrition, a lack of exercise and a consumption of alcohol or other mind altering substances can have disastrous results, especially to one already suffering from stress. Every encounter with a military spouse is a chance for education on how to maintain proper self-care, health and well-being. Reflection Many good points are made in this article on how to help the families of military members. As this may be a situation that have not all dealt with, it s good to have a guideline to go by. Eel that more light needs to be brought to this unique situation. In addition, more guidance needs to be given to providers on how to deal with family members of service members who have returned with mental injuries, as well as physical ones. Dealing with a spouse with mental health issues can be just as challenging, if not more so, than caring for one with visible wounds. Conclusion Any family separation can bring about anxiety, but a separation due to a deployment of a loved one to a war zone can present multifaceted healthcare deeds by those left behind.